Friday, July 11, 2008

The boy is coming home for a day

Isn't it funny when someone we love is coming home, we get so excited and want everything to be just right. Zach is working at Camp War Eagle this summer as a counselor. His group of boys are 10 years old. He gets to call home maybe once a week because they are not allowed to have cell phones in the camp. They have to be left in his car. This I have found to be a little difficult. When he is in college, he calls me everyday. So, going a week without talking to him is quite an adjustment. I'm sure I'm being prepared for life after college!!!!!

After reading over my post, I just can't let this go. I'm thinking about how sad it is when I don't get to talk to my kids everyday. I worry if they are ok, are they happy, are they doing what they know is right to do etc. How happy I am when I see "Zach" or "Cissy" come up on my cell phone. Ok, so if I feel this way, how does my heavenly Father feel when I don't talk to him everyday and I don't go to Him with my life issues. How excited does He get when He sees my name show up on His big cell phone :)...The bible tells me he loves me more than I could ever love my kids...I cannot fathom that kind of love but I know its true and it makes me want to be sure to check in with Him everyday. To be sure to do what He has taught me to do. Ok, now back to the original story.

Well, he is coming home LATE tonight to be play in a softball tourny tomorrow and then back tomorrow night. I just want everything to be nice for him when he comes home. Trying to think of something yummy to have cooked for him etc.

I got to talk with him yesterday and he was telling me about his campers. He said he has three that are on him all the time...isn't that just sweet. He said it was nice to be able to have adult conversation last night (this means fellow college students :)) instead of someone saying they have a stomach ache, another doesn't feel good and someone can't find their socks. Someone constantly wants to sit on his lap and he is in a constant state of sweat. This make me chuckle because it sounds like the Lord is preparing him for daddyhood and who knows what else.

What I would give to be able to be at this camp for a day and just watch him do what he does. You know we raise these children, do the best we can with a lot of prayer and a lot of help from the Lord, right? Then, well then they grow up and go do things that we thought we help prepare them for, only we don't get see it happening, we just get to hear about it. Doesn't seem quite fair to me. I want to see them in action.

He said he has been told by two of the higher ups at camp that he does really well with kids. I was hoping for this because I just feel like God will use him in this area. We'll see.

Can't wait to see him tonight and get one of those famous hugs...he gives the best!!!!


Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

I know how you feel girl. When Meg was in Costa Rica it would be days before she called. Then when Tori went I was a total wreck. It is so nice when they come home!!! I love when all 4 of us are together for a home cooked meal!!!

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

I'm going to make aprons out of them! I love Grandmas in Cabot. But John & I will usually drive to different towns and search for them. It's fun! Have you ever been to Botkinburg? Don, the owner, is an awesome guy. He has like 12 buildings of antiques. We spend up to 6 hours in there searching for the right antique.