Saturday, October 25, 2008

I have done it!!!!

I finally figured this blog thing out!!!! I am so excited. The only problem is I lost some of you. So, please if you look at my blog and you don't see your name on my site, comment it to me. There are a couple of you I know I lost, HB and WE!!!!

Looking forward to posting more now that I have a nicer blog!
Good night! (I've been doing this for over 2 hours!!!!)


Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

YAY!!! And what a beautiful page it is Beth!! You did awesome!!! It took me hours to figure it out as well.

Now you need to go join SITS & BATW

Anonymous said...

Hey Beth! I see your an empty nester . . . so, what's it like? Is it great?!? I only have about . . . . . oh - well, many more years to go. Right now, I'm still in the diaper phase (last one in diapers, I might add).

I perused your blog and profile and it appears we have some things in common:

Food (hahahahaha)
Beth Moore bible studies

Have you heard that her newest one on Esther is due out Nov. 15?

Stephen, Whitney, Olivia Jane, Marshall Wood, and Stephen Bauer said...

Yay!! CUTE BLOG BETH! Nice work! Our blog is
Praying for you my SWEET FRIEND! Love you...